Dear collective, what many of us are going through now is the pain of pains. Because to be awakened to, but not merged with the other half of your soul, is excruciating. This is our hardest lifetime here on earth. But not without reason. We were meant to experience the pain of loving, but not getting it reciprocated due to social conditioning.
Universe is making us all experience firsthandly how many of the earthlings have stopped listening to their hearts and succumbed to the rules of the ego. There is so much soul-happiness lost because the society has for many centuries defined what love is and what it isn’t. The separation-phase is painful for us to have empathy for those missing out on love. When it ends, we will feel whole again. Many have already started their reunion phases. This is the lifetime we are meant to and will merge with our other half. This is directly connected to the ascension of the vibration on earth. Because our suffering and rejoice will make us be the fighters of and for love ❤️.
Fear to love from the heart has become the new standard. However, we, the twin flames, are the wayshowers of unconditional love ❤️. We will show and advocate how we love without conditions and fear. Including ourselves. This will lead to great inspiration for others to follow. This is why we have so many unique obstacles in our journeys challenging the social conditioning we are used to.
Universe always intended us to be the prime examples of the real lovers. Those who love from the heart-space regardless of other factors ❤️.
It’s no fluke that the 144K twin flames woke up exactly in divine time when unconditional love is challenged at its most on this earth. In the darkest of times, the divine lit up its love angels to spread light and love here.
Everything is divinely constructed. Our singular journeys are just small parts of a huge narrative, so don’t fear. Everything is playing out as meant to. Have faith. The end game is not the unions (because they will happen in divine time), but how we will help others pursue unconditional inwards and outwards love ❤️.
Only then will we see the earthly vibration rise as intended. This is our divine mission. This is how we will help the earth ascend. This is when we will understand why our journeys had to be as hard as they were.
Try to see how important you are, love angels 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️.