Your vulnerabilities will be tested by your TF and others.

The core issues in your TF-dynamics, especially lack of self-love and setting boundaries, will not only be tested by your TF, but also others as well. This can be your kids, your siblings, your family, your friends, workplace-people, other romantic or intimate interests etc.

Why? Because this is connected to karmic clearance (often past life) to teach you to see your worth, protect your self-worth and set boundaries.

I had the dark narcissist-experience in a previous lifetime. Then I was the one acting from my unhealthy ego. Those dark entities attached to me, made me be cruel and evil. Hence, i hurt many people.

This is why I am having the dark narcissist-victim perspective in this lifetime. To clear karma is to experience the other side of the coin of our previous actions, so that the soul will have soul growth. This is how lessons work on earth. To have the earthly experience, means to have all experiences here, both light and dark, because in the Universe darkness can’t exist without light and light can’t exist without darkness. Yin Yang.

I have been hurt so much by narcissists in this life, friends, family, co-workers, lots of other people, including my catalyst TF and my real TF. Even my youngest daughter is now showing some signs. It’s very tough to observe because I know that her pure soul is still fighting her needed dark soul-experience. And the odd thing is that I can see my TF’s behaviour in my daughter 💔. I know Universe made it this way, so I will have much more empathy for my TF. Because when we go deep within the ego of the narcissist, we see that it lacks sooooo much self-love and have lots of insecurities, so the distorted ego takes over. But still, they have to go through the dark experience as well for as long as it is meant to.

As a father, I promise you, it’s very hard to see your children going through it, even if you pour so much love into them and they stay the same. And as a TF, it’s very tough to see that our TF is mirroring what we have been in a previous lifetime or in this one. I really am very repentful for what I have done in earlier lifetimes. This makes me see these narcissists in a softer light sometimes. And also to more easily forgive my TF and the others.

But …. even if it’s a tough ride, we should try to learn from every situation that triggers us. Introspection is a huge deal in this journey. Lots of DFs need to balance out more of the masculine energies as the DMs need to balance out more of the feminine ones.

Sending lots of love to you, my esoteric family ❤️ . Sometimes this ride can seem too tough, but just know that we don’t get challenges we can’t handle.



Author: TFLW

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