The union WILL happen in this lifetime!

Dear flames, lots of us have fear of not getting in union in this lifetime. Let me address this:

Short answer: YES. This is the lifetime we will merge with our divine counterpart, before leaving this earthly realm. Some of us have already started having different merging symptoms, for example like eyecolours getting more alike, started to mimic their TFs way of talking, getting same pains etc.

It will happen in this lifetime. The lifetime we have our awakening (the ascension lifetime), is the last lifetime here on earth. This is why we see syncs and signs, because Universe is showing us what is behind the veil. Hence, we won’t come back here as humans, but we will be guiding other souls as ascended masters, while at the same time we will go on to other planets/dimensions to have more soulgrowth.

Universe isn’t a terrorist teasing us with the ultimate eternal love and snatch it away. Only ego of mankind believes in free will even in the bigger picture. Just think about it; if I was God, would I let the important ascension of this planet be fated in the hands of subconscious spiritual humans who still are struggling with issues like block-unblock-block, triggers, spiritual and other kinds of ego, fear etc?

We are getting into higher consciousness, but we are still very low compared to other beings and Source.

I have also talked with several TFs who thought their real TF died, but to later find out that the said person was a very strong divine soulmate, hence the huge telepathy, strong love, connection in 5D etc…. because they got blessed with their real twin flame later on. This divine soulmate played the same role as some strong soulmates playing the role of the catalyst-twin so that the twin flames have their huge awakening etc.

What is meant for us, will be ours in divine time. If we aren’t with our TF now, it’s because karmic clearance and lessons are happening on both sides to prepare us for our harmonious union. We are also, in separation phase, guided towards our divine missions.

Don’t be out of fear (3D), but be out of faith and love (5D). We can’t mess this up. Surrender to the divine.



Author: TFLW

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