The TFs are meant to be in harmonious, exclusive union and take very tough decisions to be with their eternal love 🙏❤️. Different TFs have different journeys with different challenges. Many TFs experience the challenge of meeting their real TFs while being committed to a spouse and with kids. Hence, their obstacle is to end their 3D-family to win their 5D-love.
But Universe is teaching all of us how important it is to high-vibrationally pursue the right love without fear of society, structures, etc. We are meant to be the wayshowers and role models in how we go after our real soul-love, hence, end our commitment in ethical ways before cheating, etc. This is the test.
Also, Universe is challenging our faith in love towards our spouse etc, because by breaking it up with someone we don’t love the most anymore, we are releasing them to find their true partner, even if it will hurt for a while. Some TFs drag their spouses along for their own fear of being alone in pursuit of their real TF to come back. It’s important to acknowledge that this is selfish and not high-vibrationally towards their spouses.
The TFs are meant to and will be in union. Universe didn’t wake us up to this just to torture us. The biggest hindrance is fearbased ego. Fear for society, family, kids, spouses, being economically in a difficult state, etc. However, we need to understand that the souls of the others (kids, family, soulmates) already decided to be a part of this journey and that we are meant to separate or end a family-structure to be with our TFs. All parts involved have lessons from this. The souls of the children may want to experience how it is to live with divorced parents and also to not settle for less in regards to love, etc. The soul of the spouse wants to experience a divorce and the growth from the pain that comes from it, and maybe also to be alone before pursuing new love.
We forget that we are taking away great soul growth for other souls just because 3D-hurt will play a role. Hurt is only a construct in 3D. In 5D, everything is gratitude and love towards every lesson, regardless of whether it is painful or not.
We are also teaching all of them, especially our kids, that we shouldn’t settle to be in a place where love isn’t maximised. What will we teach our children if they see that we are unhappy or even find out that we are cheating, just to keep a family structure? Universe is through this journey teaching us real love and that we shouldn’t worry about 3D-obstacles to fight for this unique love. As long as we try to do this with grace and within ethical standards.
Because we are advocates of the high-vibrational new earth and are learning, by the guidance of Universe, to both do and inspire others as well for how to be authentic and loving towards our own soul and to the souls of others.
PS! The aim is always to be high-vibrational. However, the things we have done in the past, we were meant to do to learn from and also to acknowledge this flaw in our past-selves, so that we never would do these low-vibrational actions again.