We are in the pre-phase of the Mercury retrograde. Hence, the darkness is out to trigger us. These are lessons for us to learn not to be triggered. Every Mercury retrograde is very transformational, and we are faced with our worst fears.
The last days many TFs have experienced fear making us vibrate lower. This is how we are kept lower by the dark energies. I really had an awful fearbased day yesterday, but found out that the fear was just my ego making up worst-case scenarios.
Since the earth is hit with lots of light these day, the dark energies are also fighting harder than before to keep the earth dark. This is why we are seeing two polarized happenings all over; very dark and very light.
I recommend you to not or to lesser degree listen to tarots, channelings and give importance to not seeing syncs from your TF etc at this very moment. The darkness are heavily manipulating the energies to affect the vibration for the collective, hence why many readings etc., can be very negative and triggering. I really got bombarded by this, so I have made a choice to draw back from this for a moment. It hasn’t anything to do with the readers, more with the collective triggering energies. You can also sometimes feel that your TF has withdrawn the energy towards you, but this is only the darkness blocking the energies between the TFs.
Fortunately, I talk and communicate with 4-10 TFs every day and have some good news. More and more DMs are starting to have dreams about their DFs and can’t forget them even if they try really hard. Also, more and more DMs are starting to see the truth of how unsuitable or toxic their karmics are. Many TFs are also in the process of ending karmic cycles with their soulmates. Universe is transforming both the DFs and the DMs right now.
Our vibration is very important to the vibration of the earth. Hence, try to vibrate even higher in these days. See the game of the dark energies trying to make fights, doubts, bad communication etc., so that we vibrate lower. It is very important these days to get less triggered in our egos and laugh, love and light more than ever. When you get triggered, try to calm down and listen to some meditational music to vibrate higher.
Keep on shining your light, collective.
We got this. It is more important than ever to maybe share laughter and love on social media to keep the vibration of others high as well.
Love you all ❤️