There are many layers to the separation phase. One aspect is that we have different attachment-styles built up due to our lack of self-love and type of love and experiences we have gained.
Some DFs, with attachment issues, would lack so much self-love that they would latch onto everyone for their own validation and safety. Even toxic relations. This would happen because they feared that they are not strong enough to make it on their own. Thus, they would self-sabotage by staying in places that actually didn’t make them happy.
Some DMs, with commitment issues, would lack so much self-love that they would not trust any relationships because they would fear that they would be left sooner or later due to their darkness and low worth. This distrust would come from horrible experiences earlier on in their lives where they were cheated on or abandoned. Thus, they would many times self-sabotage by keeping other doors open, cheating and even push the boundaries for their partner to check if they would leave or still keep on holding on to them.
Then Universe would orchestrate a divine meeting of the TFs. After the honeymoon-phase, both issues would come to the surface and get triggered. Attachement issues vs commitment issues in both TFs. Then the separation would happen eventually.
Both would get very hurt by this separation. This hurt would lead to huge transformation.
Some DFs would end up to try to go on, but not finding someone permanently, so that they would heal their attachment issues by learning to be in their own power and alone for a long time. This way, they would never accept toxic relationships anymore because now they would have sufficient enough self-love and self-worth. Another point would also be that they would kind of behave like the DMs did because the hurt from their break-up would make them close down their hearts and act more out of fear towards possible suitors. This way, the DFs would start to understand the fear of the DMs and why they acted as they did.
Some DMs would end up getting a karmic soulmate, even if they loved the DFs. However, this soulmate would make the DMs feel loved and safe, while the pain of leaving the DFs would lead to the DMs be very conscious of how they actually messed up something wonderful with the DFs. Thus, the DMs would learn from that break-up and utilize those lessons (less self-sabotaging, less cheating etc.) to be in a “good” relationship with the karmic soulmate. This would also build up the self-love of the DMs. Another point would be that this karmic soulmate could actually afterwards mirror how the DMs were before, so that the DMs would act like the DFs to hold onto someone not good for them for the longer run. However, this would lead the DMs to listen to their soul and their self-worth so that they would not accept anything bringing them down. Maybe the karmics would give the DMs their karma for what they did to the DFs, so that the DMs would now understand the pain the DFs had.
Universe made it so because then both TFs would experience different sides of the coin so that both would not judge the other one as much since they now have a more enlightened perspective than before.
Eventually, both will be pulled back together because these experiences would make both of them balance out both the feminine and masculine energies within. Then, they would also understand that they need to respond from the heart-space rather than reacting from the ego to make this intense connection get into harmonious union.