Lots of journeys are very tough, especially since we have so much pastlife (negative) karma to dissolve in this final lifetime for the negative things we have done in our pastlives.
However, we have also done lots of good as well. This dharma (positive karma) also needs to be balanced out. Everything for our lessons and growth. Many TFs who are nice and supportive to each other, are clearing out this dharma with each other. I have many such examples from my own journey, both negative and positive.
My TF is doing the exact negative, dark and unhealthy ego-driven actions to me that I did to her in a past life. It’s playing out exactly as the past life reading I got. I’ll tell you more at another time. As I did in the past life, I left the shallow karmic soulmate after a couple of years, she has left him now, but is purging. She has to so that she can get all the lessons, ego death, etc. from that.
Thus, Universe will bring in so many good people to us during this tough journey, so that life gets a little easier. Be grateful and humble. It’s all a part of this divine script .
Let us all be more from the heart-space and act with warmth, compassion, empathy and unconditional love. I love you all so very, very much .