The same soul in two bodies ❤️

One of the biggest lessons on this journey for both TFs to understand that the Twin Flames are the same soul in two bodies.

Thus, when we act out of ego and not the heart-space in relation to our TFs, we hurt the other TF for our own gain. When we hurt our TF, we hurt ourselves through karma, consequences, mirroring, etc. Same soul in two bodies, remember.

The ego wants the greener grass, the instant validation. But in this pursuit, you can hurt your TF. Do to your TF, what you would like be done to you by your TF. Don’t do to your TF what your wouldn’t like your TF to do to you.

Hurting our TF is actually hurting ourselves. Thus, even setting boundaries should be done with affection and love for them to learn the lessons. Lots of DFs have now over-done the masculine energies so that their super-power feminine energies are getting pushed back. Don’t!

The feminine energies are the glue to oneness and about loving outwards. The masculine energies are the glue to individuality and about loving inwards. We need a balance of these to function perfectly.

Many DFs have fortunately balanced out more of the masculine energies to protect their inner-child and soul. This is a good thing. However, do remember that we are meant to be high-vibrational. Thus, protecting our inner-child while hurting the inner-child of others is not the best of things. Therefore, be conscious of how you set boundaries, your wording, your demeanour, etc.

Don’t hurt your TF. Don’t hurt your own soul.


Author: TFLW

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